I visited some "pueblos", the Native American reservations, and some feelings did not leave from my head.
I did not know much about the Native American culture and history, so I read some articles about them after I came back home. I learned each tribe had had many tragic stories in different ways after the settlers arrived. They had many battles to keep their lives from outsiders, but they lost their families, lands and ways of life.
It was interesting for us to see and know their traditional cultures and practices when I visited their pueblos. On the other hand, I felt it was like a museum. I mean they were not lively. The pueblos are actual villages they live in now, so they are always watched by the tourists curiously. They get the admission fee and sell their handwork to tourists everyday. Is that their natural life? It is OK they are happy under the present situations, but anyway I hope they live naturally outside of tourists' sight. I am just worried that they rely on their incomes from tourists and the government and keep the museum life I imagine. People tend to choose the easy way.
I know in this world everything keeps changing. We keep improving, destroying or repeating over history. The changes are very natural.
My point is I believe they have their unique power given by the unbelievable huge nature of America over centuries. I feel the power from their paints and arts. I just do not want them to lose this precious sense.
This trip was meaningful for me.